Abirami Anthathi Lyrics In Tamil Pdf To Word
Abirami Anthathi Lyrics In Tamil Pdf. Summary: Abirami Anthathi Lyrics In Tamil Pdf abirami andhathi by abirami bhatter with explanations from kavingar kannathasan in tamil script unicode utf 8. Free download or read online Abirami Anthathi tamil pdf book from the category of Alphabet A. PDF file size of Abirami Anthathi is MB. If you want to read. Abhirami Anthadhi is a Tamil collection of poems sung on goddess Abhirami resided in The beauty of Abhirami Anthathi: காப்பு starts as ″தார்.
Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love. – Stevie Wonder Often we ignore the many facets of the women who play a central and integral part in our life. Women act like the force of gravity in every household – an invisible force that keeps the family grounded and composed, a force seemingly simple to experience but yet tantalizingly complex to understand or define. அபிராமி அந்தாதி (Abhirami Andhadhi) is a famous poem about Lord Shiva’s consort – pArvati aka Shakti. She is considered the universal mother who is full of compassion and balances the detached nature of her partner Shiva, the ultimate yogi. Composed by Abhirami Bhattar in the late 18th century, this poem is quite popular and extols the power and compassion of pArvati – the universal mother – and hopefully a fitting example for Mother’s Day!
As we don’t have the knowledge or the space to talk about the 102 verses that make up the song, let us look at one specific poem that exemplifies the different facets of a woman.
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